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Payment for the use of residential premises of the state housing stock in a hostel.

З 1 студзеня 2022 года ўстаноўлены наступныя тарыфы на жыллёва-камунальныя паслугі і памеры пакрыцця расходаў арганізацый, якія ажыццяўляюць эксплуатацыю жыллёвага фонду і (або) якія прадстаўляюць жыллёва-камунальныя паслугі, на электраэнергію, спажытую на асвятленне дапаможных памяшканняў і працу абсталявання ў жылых дамах для насельніцтва:

Рашэннем Мінскага абласнога выканаўчага камітэта ад 27 снежня 2021 г. № 1182 " аб тарыфах на жыллёва-камунальныя паслугі, якія прадстаўляюцца насельніцтву» ўстаноўлены тарыфы на тэхнічнае абслугоўванне і капітальны рамонт жылога дома, Водазабеспячэнне і водаадвядзенне (каналізацыю), тэхнічнае абслугоўванне ліфта для насельніцтва

Name of housing and communal services

unit of measurement

Tariffs, rubles


providing full reimbursement of economically justified costs
for their provision

1. Maintenance

1 кв. м.



2. Overhaul

1 кв. м.



3. Elevator Maintenance

1 кв. м



4. Water supply

1 куб.м.



5. Water disposal (sewerage)

1 куб.м.




By the decision of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee dated December 27, 2021 No. 1181 “On the maximum maximum tariffs for municipal solid waste management services”, tariffs for municipal solid waste management services for the population were established

Name of housing and communal services

unit of measurement

Limit maximum tariffs, Belarusian rubles


providing full reimbursement of economically justified costs
for their provision

1. Handling municipal solid waste:




1.1. in residential buildings,
not equipped with a garbage chute or equipped with a non-functioning garbage chute:

1 куб. м



1.2. in residential buildings,
not equipped with a garbage chute or equipped with a non-functioning garbage chute:

1 куб. м




Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 30, 2013 No. 1166 “On setting gas prices, tariffs for electricity and heat energy for the population, approving the costs per unit of utility services provided to the population by gas and energy supply organizations of the Ministry of Energy” c established tariffs for the population for thermal energy for heating and hot water supply


thermal energy for heating and hot water supply,
rub. for 1 Gcal



from January 1 to May 31 inclusive


from 1 June to 31 December


providing full reimbursement of economically justified costs for their provision



Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 23, 2021 No. 507 “On setting tariffs for the population in the field of housing and communal services for 2022” establishes the amount of reimbursement of expenses of organizations operating the housing stock and (or) providing housing and communal services for electricity consumed for lighting auxiliary premises and operation of equipment in residential buildings for the population

Name of housing and communal services,

Unit measurements

Maximum allowable tariff, amount of reimbursement, rub.

Sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises of a residential building

1 кв. м


Electricity consumed for the lighting of auxiliary premises and the operation of equipment, with the exception of elevators

1 кв. м


Electricity consumed for the operation of the elevator

per resident
per month



Tariffs for services for heat supply and water supply, water disposal (sewerage), municipal solid waste management, provided by organizations of the system of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services to legal entities, as well as individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) operating non-residential premises, services for the removal of generated in horticultural associations, the waste provided to horticultural associations was established by the decision of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee dated January 16, 2023 No. 32 “On the regulation of utility tariffs”.