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The services of the contact center of the unified dispatch service of the Minsk region with the short number 115 are available to every resident of the Minsk region. Electricity is gone, a pipe has burst, garbage is not being taken out - you can report any utility problem by dialing a short number, and the application will go to work.

By the decision of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee "On the establishment of a contact center and a unified dispatch service" dated May 27, 2019 No. 373, a contact center of the unified dispatch service of the Minsk region with a short number 115 was created using the software of the municipal unitary enterprise "Information Technology Center of the Minsk City Executive Committee".

Since the creation of the dispatcher, 426,549 applications from all over the region have been accepted. The contact center of the unified dispatching service of the Minsk region with the short number 115 is organized on the basis of the state association "Housing and Communal Services of the Minsk region".

You can leave your application around the clock, at any time of the day or night. It should be noted that there are peak hours: in the morning from 8 to 9, as well as at lunch and in the evening. Even if all the specialists are busy, you won't hear short beeps in the handset, the call is put in the queue. However, when the heating season begins, the number of requests reaches two thousand per day, and therefore waiting for a connection with the operator may be a little longer. It is worth noting that at the moment it is being tested and is awaiting implementation in In Minsk and the Minsk region, a robotic feedback system (at the request of the applicant), for a clearer understanding of the quality of the service provided.

You can also leave your application on the republican portal "My Republic 115.bel" using a mobile application, attaching a photo of the malfunction to it.

Previously, dispatch services with the short number "115" operated separately in the regions, which in fact affected the quality of services provided to the population at their request. Now it is carried out under the control of the contact center of the unified dispatching service of the Minsk region with the short number 115.

Ignoring the application, postponing the solution of the problem indefinitely or doing the work at random now will not work. All information from the moment of the request to its execution is recorded in the software system of the municipal unitary enterprise "Information Technology Center of the Minsk City Executive Committee": the dispatcher answers the call, creates an electronic card and transmits the application to the contractor, who must fix the problem.

With their communal problems, the contact center of the unified dispatch service of the Minsk region with the short number 115, residents of the districts of the Minsk region have been contacting for more than a year. Most of the problems are fixed, as they say, "in hot pursuit". However, there are applications that require more time and money. These are, as a rule, capital and current repairs of the house, as well as landscaping facilities.

First of all, the contact center of the unified dispatch service of the Minsk region with the short number 115 disciplines the service provider. There is another, perhaps unexpected effect: people have stopped contacting receptions and direct lines to the leadership of the districts and the region on minor issues.

Often, owners' partnerships or housing and construction cooperatives use the services of commercial organizations, or are self–service, which does not allow residents of these houses to promptly report malfunctions and puts them in "unequal" conditions with residents who are serviced by housing and communal services organizations. To do this, the GO "Housing and Communal Services of the Minsk region", together with the district executive committees, constantly brings information about the provision of the short number 115 service to the vehicle, Housing and communal services, PSG, so that every resident of our region can exercise his right: promptly, accessible, timely report any malfunctions.


First Deputy

General Director of Sheipak P.N.